Welcome to our family school where everyone matters, 'was lost but is found" Luke 15:11-32

Our Whole School Curriculum
Curriculum Implementation
The curriculum is based on good quality resources, high quality teaching and a child centred approach to learning. English is taught through quality, topic based whole class texts and writing is linked to our topics through different genre. Maths is taught through the CPA approach with hands on resources and engaging activities to deepen knowledge and reasoning skills. The rest of the curriculum is based around the national curriculum history, geography and science topics, to build an engaging and immersive learning environment each term, creating enthusiastic and active learners, who love learning. The school has adapted the curriculum to support and engage our SEND learners and ensure that all children achieve without limits.
Creativity and teacher expertise is woven into the curriculum with highly skilled teachers, working with pupils and colleagues, sharing good practice and ensuring that learners share, learn and collaborate with each other. Each subject area has a subject intent, implementation, impact and an annual action plan which outlines development opportunities and clearly links with the development of that curriculum area and the needs of our students and staff.
Curriculum Intent
The impact of the curriculum is monitored though assessments, opportunities and outcomes: pupil voice, test/data outcomes, planning, monitoring of books and displays, lesson learning walks, discussions with teaching staff, pupils and parents. Pupils, parents and staff are consistently and regularly consulted about the curriculum and the impact that it makes.
Our desired outcome of the curriculum is for our pupils to become well rounded students, ready to embark on high school education and enter the world with passion, skills, academic knowledge and a wide knowledge base of history, geography, RSE and the arts. They will be equipped with the foundations and skills to achieve success in later education and the world. They will be respectful, kind and supportive members of society with their Christian family values in their hearts. Our students will be confident , know who they are and will have supportive relationships with those around them, they will have a good understanding of mental health and will know how to nurture their wellbeing. Pupils will have an understanding of what they are good at, where their passions lie and how to support themselves and others as they strive forward in their lives.
For more detail about our curriculum areas click below;
Curriculum Intent
Ingoldisthorpe Primary School will work with everyone in our community, faith and school family to create a happy, safe and stimulating setting where children are motivated to learn and achieve together. Our curriculum is topic based and knowledge rich, linking literature and our previous lessons into our learning. We set high expectations of ourselves and each other, our children will be equipped to meet challenges and rise to new opportunities with resilience and determination. We encourage a curiosity about the world, love of learning, passion for nature and outdoor school, and strive to ensure that our children will contribute positively to our community, both now and in the future.
Academic achievement is only part of our learning at Ingoldisthorpe Primary school. We provide extensive opportunities for pupils to practice and master the performing and visual arts, and develop their speaking and listening skills through termly performances, concerts, dance sessions and musical shows. The school stands out through its vibrant, inclusive, adaptable, creative curriculum - which enables our learners to not only learn the national curriculum but apply their knowledge and extend their personal talents through wide ranging activities, events and opportunities. We also strive to ensure our pupils thrive in their mental health, wellbeing and understanding of the changing world around them, through a thoughtful environment filled with learning opportunities, caring bonds and strong communication between everyone in our community and our school family.
An important and distinctive feature of our school is our Christian faith and relationship with each other and the church. Our central aim of the curriculum is to provide a rich and supportive, child-centred learning environment, which is age appropriate for the needs of all our pupils. We adapt and adjust our curriculum to meet the needs of all of our learners, to ensure that no child is left behind and achieves in their own personal learning journey. It is our mission to support all of our pupils by providing them with emotional support as well as ensuring the curriculum is based on consistent, child-centred, quality teaching and engaging learning throughout the school.
We are an inclusive school, intent on ensuring that all pupils reach their potential in a culture of success. As a family team, we are passionate about preparing our pupils to be successful adults in an ever-changing, technologically advanced society. We encourage our pupils to aim high and have aspirations for their own dynamic futures. We value their individuality and creativity, and equip them with the skills, self-discipline and confidence to succeed. Where there are barriers, we pride ourselves on embracing different approaches and seizing new opportunities to ensure high-quality learning and success.
Our curriculum is built on strong pedagogy and high quality teaching, with every child encouraged to meet and achieve their potential. We make it our aim to discover what children are good at and offer opportunities to further their passions, loves and skills. Our curriculum is broad and balanced, with opportunities for pupils to celebrate, share, and learn together. We value all of our learners, personalities and opinions. We thrive together, sharing, debating and working alongside each other to improve, achieve and succeed. The breadth of curriculum content allows pupils to explore through a topic based curriculum, encouraging achievement, enjoyment, opportunities and wider personal, social and emotional enrichment.
For more detail about our curriculum coverage and topics click below;