Welcome to our family school where everyone matters, 'was lost but is found" Luke 15:11-32
St Michael and All Angels Church
We have strong links with our local church and our Reverend, Rev Mark Capron, who is also a member of our governing board. We regularly use the church for services (Harvest, Christingle, Christmas, Easter, Leavers Service) and for helping support our RE learning. The church is a very special place for our children and staff alike. We support the local food bank and Show Box Appeal linked with our church.
The church is at the heart of our school and vision. We actively promote family and inclusion. The church and the school are both physically and spiritually linked and as such the church and school play a large part in the lives of each other. Revd Capron leads many Collective Worship assemblies in school, as well as leading the address at our traditional church services - Christmas, Harvest, Remembrance, Easter and Leaver's Services. Parents are invited to attend these services which are advertised on our calendar on the home page. A fascinating history of our church, with stunning photos can be read here.
We also love to learn about the Bible and the church helps to provide each child with a First Bible in KS1 and a full Bible in KS2. Our learning is enhanced by the Bible Bites sessions created by Reverend Mark, we are also able to welcome him into school for regular collective worship with all the staff and children.