Welcome to our family school where everyone matters, 'was lost but is found" Luke 15:11-32

British Values
At Ingoldisthorpe Primary School we love to promote British Values; acceptance, integrity, rule of law, democracy and tolerance. We are a school proud to be British and who love and respect one another.
How do we promote British Values in our school?
School Behaviour policy – reviewed by Pupil Council
Pupils have regular opportunities to reflect during assemblies
Pupil interviews and surveys on behaviour
Parent/carers questionnaires relating to behaviour, safety etc.
Police visits - age of criminal responsibility, rule of law, good citizen
Assemblies with a focus linked to the law e.g. school rules & class rules
Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) taught as part of the curriculum.
Positive relationships between children and staff, encouraged and modelled
Inclusive ethos and vision for all children and staff
Serving the local community: choir in the village, memorial garden
R.E curriculum planed around philosophy, social sciences and theology
Anti-bullying information for parents and children
Student Council and Eco Council
PTA (Friends of School)
Assessment for Learning
Buddy reading in whole school sessions
Partnership Sports link with local school
British Values and Democracy Day
Jubilee and coronation celebrations
Links with local schools
Multi-cultural days
Stories from world faiths and cultures
Curriculum e.g. Foundation Stage/Year 1: Chinese New Year
R.E. curriculum – follows the locally agreed syllabus including all major faiths.
Reflection opportunities in Assemblies
Visits to a range of places of worship & visitors
Equalities Policy and Accessibility Plan
Children involved in voting and elections: pupil council, rewards etc.
Democracy linked assemblies – Election of House Captains/ School Council Reps
Pupil/Eco councils
Links with local Mayor and Councillors who visit the school and speak to the pupils
Local councillor as a Governor
Responsibility and Liberty
Understanding responsibility; behaviour and learning attitudes.
Pupils’ roles in school
School values
Visits from Police & Fire Brigade
Silver Eco Award
Local/National charity fundraising

At Ingoldisthorpe VA Church of England Primary School, we promote British Values through SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) planned curriculum opportunities.
For a definition of British Values within SMSC click here.
Our latest British Values day included;
- Voting and democracy, where the children voted for house team names and house team shield logos - resulting in our new teams of blue kingfishers, green kestrels, yellow buzzards and red firecrests.
- Art work around stereotypes and how we can be biased.
- Art and collaborative discussion about human rights and what we are all entitled to.
- A discussion lesson about prejudice and how we can help others.
- A courtroom Session, where Hazel Class teacher, Mrs Amy Taylor, supported court decisions as a court aide with children acting as the judge - judge’s wig and all, police officers, bailiffs and jury. The children stood in the dock, voted and got a chance to learn and voice their opinion about the differences and similarities between the rule of law, religious laws, and home and school rules.
“The children had a fantastic fun day of real-life learning,” said head teacher, Julia Norman. “It was wonderful to see the children so focused on learning as much as they could, being immersed in our British cultural values.”