Welcome to our family school where everyone matters, 'was lost but is found" Luke 15:11-32

PE and Sports Premium
Sports Premium
Ingoldisthorpe Primary School’s PE and Sport Premium
The Government have been providing Sports Premium funding since 2013/14. This funding is provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and sees money coming directly into primary schools. Head teachers are to spend the money on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children within their own setting.
From 2013/14 to 2016/17 schools with more than 17 eligible pupils received the sum of £8,000 plus a premium of £5 per pupil for each academic year.
In 2021 - 2022 we received £27,767, which included carried forward amount of £8,838 due to Covid-19 underspend.
In 2022-2023 we received £17,250, which was spent to improve our swimming and sport provision across our school.
In 2023-2024 we received £17,040. The spending plan is attached at the bottom of the page.
Purpose of Funding
Schools are to spend the funding on improving their provision of PE and school sport, but we have the freedom to choose how we do this. The DfE expect all pupils leaving primary school to be physically literate and equipped with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary for them to engage in a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. They would like see...
The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles. Primary School pupils should undertake at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day, of which at least 30 minutes should be in school
The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
Increased participation in competitive sport both intra and inter school competitions.
Providing Opportunities for Children to Compete
We continued our successful 'Move it! Move it!' Dance Club after school club to accommodate the growing numbers of children wishing to attend. This year we had 25 children attend dance club which is 17% of our school. We usually offer a significant number of sporting clubs across the school at lunchtimes and after school too and are always looking for ways to enhance this even further to ensure children's activity levels are as high as they can be.
Our Dance teacher, Gina Veale continues to inspire and allow for professional planning and dance events. We helps support and choreograph dances for our very successful performances for all year groups. Teaching staff provide netball, multi-sports, cricket, and football clubs regularly each week along side our dance provision.
An hockey and archery taster day took place. This was voted in by the pupil voice PE Leaders.
We continued to work hard on raising the status of PE and sport in Ingoldisthorpe Primary School and we maintained our Gold School Games Award this year for the fourth year which we are really proud of. We need to maintain this for the next year and then we can aim for the Platinum award.
In a survey undertaken, we are pleased to announce that over 70% of children take part in extra-curricular sports in Ingoldisthorpe Primary School, which then lead onto wider club opportunities outsde of school. We regularly celebrate out of school opportunities and successes to raise the profile of sport within our school. We are particularly proud that the uptake in KS1 participation has risen significantly as we have been working hard to introduce new clubs. There has also been very significant increases in the number of Pupil Premium children's uptake as well as the uptake of those with SEND.
How does Ingoldisthorpe Primary School plan to spend funding for the academic year 2023/24?
The school will continue to focus on raising the provision, access to clubs and wider opportunities for our learners. We are commited to offering swimming to the KS1 and KS2 children as well as seeking out further training to upskill our already knowledgeable staff. For more information on how we plan to spend our allocation for 2023-24 please read our PE premium plan.
How are we Helping Children to Develop a Healthy, Active Lifestyle?
We are now looking at enhancing our provision for cooking and growing even further and will be growing things to be used in the school kitchen. We are enhancing our healthy cooking and each class is now cooking at least once every term, focusing on diet and skills needed to make a healthy meal. Our weekly after school cookery club continues to provide essential life skills. We also offer daily activity time for children as well as cookery club which is well attended with a waiting list.
How Will These Improvements be Sustainable in the Future?
At Ingoldisthorpe we are careful to plan improvements that will be sustainable in the future, being mindful that the Sports Premium will undoubtedly be ongoing forever. We ensure for example that where specialist teachers are employed, the staff are upskilled alongside these lessons so that this legacy would be able to continue, should the funding no longer be provided. We ensure that we use the Sports Premium for areas that make improvements, not just for our children now, but will be able to be utilised for years to come. Further examples of how our improvements will be sustainable in the future are included within our detailed Sports Premium Action Plan here, along with this years swimming achievements.