Welcome to our family school where everyone matters, 'was lost but is found" Luke 15:11-32

Equality Statement
We see all pupils, potential pupils, their parents and carers, and staff as of equal value:
Whether or not they are disabled
Whatever their ethnicity, culture, national origin or national status
Whatever their gender and gender identity
Whatever their religious and non-religious affiliation or faith background
Whatever their sexual orientation
Whatever their marital status
Whether they are currently pregnant or have recently given birth
Whether or not they have a connection with the forces community
Whether or not they have refugee / asylum status
Whether or not English is their first language
We recognise that treating people equally does not necessarily involve treating them all the same. We recognise that our policies, procedures and activities must not discriminate but must take account of diversity and the kinds of barriers and disadvantage that staff, parents/carers or pupils may face in relation to their protected characteristics:
Disability – we note that reasonable adjustments may need to be made
Gender (including transgender) – we recognise that girls and boys, men and women have different needs
Religion and belief – we note that reasonable requests in relation to religious observance and practice may need to be made and complied with
Ethnicity and race – we note that all have different experiences as a result of our ethnic and racial backgrounds
Age – we value the diversity in age of staff, parents and carers
Sex - we respect all people of different sexes
Sexual orientation – we respect that individuals have the right to determine their own sexual identity and that they should not experience disadvantage as a result of their preference
Marital status – we recognise that our staff, parents and carers may make their own personal choices in respect of personal relationships and that they should not experience disadvantage as a result of the relationships they have
Pregnancy and maternity – we believe that our staff, parents and carers should not experience any unfair treatment
Our Equality Policy can be found in our Policy section or see our PSED Equality Duty here.