Welcome to our family school where everyone matters, 'was lost but is found" Luke 15:11-32
Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) and Personal, Social, Health and Economical Education are taught at Ingoldisthorpe Primary School in every class, in an age appropriate way. We follow the Norfolk RSE Solution resource for teaching RSE and have adapted it to our school and the needs of our learners. We also add in Thrive topics, SEAL topics and circle time discussions to support our PSHE learning. All staff realise the importance of the mental health, emotional, and relationship learning and value the time in the week to explore this learning with our students. Our rolling RSE curriculum can be seen below and our policies can be viewed on the Policies Page.
Should you have any questions or queries about the lessons, resources and content of the RSE curriculum of each class, please contact your child's teacher.