Welcome to our family school where everyone matters, 'was lost but is found" Luke 15:11-32

At Ingoldisthorpe C of E VA Primary School our first priority is the safety and wellbeing of our students. We regularly train and update our policies to ensure that every child in our care is safe and protected from harm.
This means we will always work to;
Protect children and young people at our school from maltreatment or any kind
Prevent impairment of our children’s and young people’s health or development
Ensure that all children have access to care, support and basic necessities
Work with families to support them and increase their ability to support their children
Ensure that children and young people at our school grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
Undertake that role so as to enable young people at our school to have the best outcomes
Utilise other agencies to ensure that all children access the best care and opportunities.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals at our school are regularly trained, use CPOMS to track safeguarding concerns and understand that it could happen at our school. We are a school with highly skilled staff, where children feel safe to talk to us, share with us and let us help them.
Safeguarding Team
If you have any concerns relating to Safeguarding around a child or member of staff attending Ingoldisthorpe Primary School. Please make sure you speak to one of the following people as soon as possible:

Mrs Norman
Lead DSL
Mr Gachowicz
Y5/6 Lead
Mrs Taylor
Threshold Guidance
This Norfolk Threshold Guide sets out the approach to keeping children in Norfolk safe and protected from harm. The Guide is intended to help professionals provide the right help to the right children at the right time and for the right duration. Protecting children involves professionals in the difficult task of analysing complex information about human behaviour and risk. The Norfolk Threshold Guide is designed to encourage early discussion and dialogue when we have emerging worries about children, and to acknowledge that all professionals will need a framework to help them recognise risk and agree an appropriate response.
Operation Encompass
Our school are working in partnership with Norfolk Constabulary and Norfolk Children’s Services to identify and provide appropriate support to pupils who have experienced domestic violence in their household; this scheme is called Operation Encompass. In order to achieve this, Norfolk Children’s Advice and Duty Service will share police information of all domestic incidents where one of our pupils has been present with the Designated Safeguarding Lead(s). All information sharing and resulting actions will be undertaken in accordance with the ‘Norfolk Joint Agency Protocol for Domestic Abuse – Notifications to Schools’. We will record this information and store this information in accordance with the record keeping procedures outlined in this policy.