Welcome to our family school where everyone matters, 'was lost but is found" Luke 15:11-32

In Oak Class we learn through a topic based curriculum, including topics of inventors, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, the heart and the body, New York and Space.
As we enter year 5 and 6, Mr Gachowicz begins to prepare us for High School. We increase our levels of independence, challenge ourselves and focus on our learning and our mental
health. Mr Gachowicz is always there to talk to.
Oak Class love to learn without limits and challenge ourselves in every lesson. We love to expand our mathematics and arithmetic knowledge, increase our reading skills as well as learn a huge variety of spelling and grammar rules. Our teachers are experienced in SEND, enabling all children to learn at their pace, giving the right interventions at the right time for the right child.
We love to take our learning and lessons outdoors. The children regularly utilise the Church and Mount Amelia for outdoor learning to consolidate our knowledge, communicate
effectively and increase our social skills.
In our class we focus on our futures and achieving the best we possibly can. We believe that everyone can achieve and when we are prepared there are no limits for ourselves.We focus on our strengths and celebrating what makes us individual and constantly aim high, for both staff and children.
In Oak Class, we love learning, laughing, listening and debating. We love to share our ideas, opinions and support each other. We love our Christian identity and enjoy seeing our peers changes and grow to reach their full potential, with the kind and calm guidance of Mr Gachowicz and Miss Veale.
Oak Class
Years 5/6

Mr Gachowicz - Class Teacher, DSL
Supported by Mr Hazel and
Miss Veale
Click below to see our two year
rolling planning for each term.